Faces of Rebetiko

Rebetiko at Hasomeri, 10th June 2019, Part 1

Maria Magdalena

Tsitsanis in the Jungle (O Tsitsanis Sti Zougla)


Batis the Dude (O Batis O Dervisis)

Immortal Greece (Athanatoi Romaiko)

Nikos the Nutcase (Nikos O Trellakias)


Turkish Veil (Feretzes)


At Morocco (Sto Maroko)

The Washer's Woes (Ta Vasana Tis Plistras)

The Scapegrace (O Mortis)

Lover Boy of Psirri (O Vlamis Tou Psirri)

Marika the Teacher (I Marika I Daskala)

The Bohemian (O Bohemis)

If It Is God's Will (An Me Axiosi O Theos)

The Burnt Man (O Kais)

Sniffer (O Sinahis)

Adonis the Boatman (O Adonis O Varkaris)

Esme of Morocco (Ap to Maroko I Esme)

Arabic Flower (Arapiko Louloudi)

Little Drunkard of Athens (To Methismenaki)
